Parole-In-Place for Family of Military Personnel
Fort Myers Immigration Lawyer Proudly Representing Military Families
Non-citizen spouses, parents, and unmarried minor children of U.S. citizen members of the U.S. military (current or past) who are in the U.S. after an unlawful entry may be eligible for an immigration benefit called Parole-In-Place (PIP). Hurtado Immigration Law Firm is proud to help U.S. military service members with the parole-in-place process so that they can keep their families together. We are honored to serve these clients and look forward to helping your family earn the PIP benefit.
What Is PIP?
PIP is a discretionary benefit offered by U.S. immigration services that provides a lawful status to qualified relatives. This benefit provides employment authorization and thus a Social Security number and, in many states, a driver’s license.
Additionally, once the qualifying relative receives their PIP status, they are considered to be lawfully admitted into the United States and may qualify to adjust status to lawful permanent resident (acquire a green card), and eventually apply for U.S. citizenship. This process is done all within the United States and does not require waivers or for the qualified relative to leave the U.S. to attend an interview at a U.S. consular post.
Does PIP Waive Grounds of Inadmissibility?
PIP, however, does not waive other grounds of inadmissibility such as criminal grounds or health grounds. Additionally, if you have a previous order of removal or are currently in removal proceedings, any desired application to apply for PIP must be approved by ICE before applying to Immigration services.
Call Hurtado Immigration Law Firm
You should consult with an experienced Fort Myers immigration attorney before applying for PIP or adjustment of status based on a PIP status. The team at Hurtado Immigration Law Firm is eager to help you navigate this process and advise you accordingly.
Have more questions regarding Parole-In-Place? Contact us online or call (239) 800-0580 to see how our Fort Myers immigration attorney can help your family.

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